full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Alex Laskey: How behavioral science can lower your energy bill

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But we're just one company, and this is just scratching the surface. Twenty percent of the electricity in hmeos is wasted, and when I say wasted, I don't mean that people have icffneiient lightbulbs. They may. I mean we leave the lights on in empty rooms, and we leave the air ctoinodiinng on when nobody's home. That's 40 billion dollars a year weatsd on electricity that does not contribute to our well-being but does contribute to climate change. That's 40 billion — with a B — every year in the U.S. alone. That's half our coal usage right there.

Open Cloze

But we're just one company, and this is just scratching the surface. Twenty percent of the electricity in _____ is wasted, and when I say wasted, I don't mean that people have ___________ lightbulbs. They may. I mean we leave the lights on in empty rooms, and we leave the air ____________ on when nobody's home. That's 40 billion dollars a year ______ on electricity that does not contribute to our well-being but does contribute to climate change. That's 40 billion — with a B — every year in the U.S. alone. That's half our coal usage right there.


  1. wasted
  2. homes
  3. conditioning
  4. inefficient

Original Text

But we're just one company, and this is just scratching the surface. Twenty percent of the electricity in homes is wasted, and when I say wasted, I don't mean that people have inefficient lightbulbs. They may. I mean we leave the lights on in empty rooms, and we leave the air conditioning on when nobody's home. That's 40 billion dollars a year wasted on electricity that does not contribute to our well-being but does contribute to climate change. That's 40 billion — with a B — every year in the U.S. alone. That's half our coal usage right there.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
behavioral science 4
air conditioning 4
paying attention 3
save energy 3
terawatt hours 3
household energy 2
energy geeks 2
climate change 2
family vacation 2
pay attention 2
science experiment 2
energy consumption 2
customers save 2
material science 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
behavioral science experiment 2

Important Words

  1. air
  2. billion
  3. change
  4. climate
  5. coal
  6. company
  7. conditioning
  8. contribute
  9. dollars
  10. electricity
  11. empty
  12. home
  13. homes
  14. inefficient
  15. leave
  16. lightbulbs
  17. lights
  18. people
  19. percent
  20. rooms
  21. scratching
  22. surface
  23. twenty
  24. usage
  25. wasted
  26. year